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Support and Education

What is NAMI
NAMI Family-to-Family is an 8 week class for families, partners and friends of individuals with mental health challenges. The course is designed to facilitate a better understanding of mental illness, increase coping skills and empower participants to become advocates for their family members. This program was designated as an evidence-based program by SAMHSA.
What is NAMI
NAMI Peer-to-Peer is an 8 week recovery education course open to anyone experiencing a mental health challenge. The course is designed to encourage growth, healing and recovery among participants. This in-person group experience provides the opportunity for mutual support and positive impact.
You can experience compassion and reinforcement from people who relate to your experiences. Through your participation, you have the opportunity to help others grow. This is a confidential place to learn from shared experiences in an environment of sincere, uncritical acceptance.

What is NAMI
Family & Friends?
NAMI Family & Friends is a free four-hour to (0 minute educational seminar that informs people who have loved ones with a mental health condition how to best support them. It’s also an opportunity to meet other people in similar situations and gain community support.
The seminar is led by trained people with lived experience of supporting a family member with a mental health condition. Various topics include: understanding diagnoses, treatment and recovery, effective communication strategies, the importance of self-care, crisis preparation strategies and NAMI/community resources.
What are WRAP Classes & Group Review?
WRAP® group participants create a personalized recovery system of wellness tools and action plans to achieve a self-directed wellness vision despite life’s daily challenges.
The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) is a personalized wellness and recovery system born out of and rooted in the principle of self-determination. WRAP® is a wellness and recovery approach that helps people to:
1) decrease and prevent intrusive or troubling feelings and behaviors
2) increase personal empowerment
3) improve quality of life
4) achieve their own life goals and dreams.
Working with a WRAP® can help individuals to monitor uncomfortable and distressing feelings and behaviors and, through planned responses, reduce, modify, or eliminate those feelings. A WRAP® also includes plans for responses from others when an individual cannot make decisions, take care of him/herself, and/or keep him/herself safe

What is NAMI Basics?
(On Demand)

NAMI Basics is a free, six-session program designed for parents and other family caregivers of children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral difficulties. NAMI Basics helps parents and other family caregivers of children to understand the illnesses that are causing these behavioral difficulties and the critical role families play in the treatment of those illnesses. The program is taught by trained teachers who are also the parents/family caregivers of individuals who experienced emotional or behavioral difficulties prior to age 13.
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